My name is Kimberli. I'm from a small town in Iowa. I'm nice for the most part and I don't care what people think of me. My favorite things to do are read, hang out with my friends, text, and I love to talk. For my future first I want to get my high school diploma. Then go to college to become a child phychologist. The reason I want to become a child phychologist is because I love children and I also love helping people.
I see life as a you live it how you want to live it and don't mind how others live their life's. My moods change a lot between happy and sad. The only way I ever get through day to day is the help of my loved ones. What inspires me to keep going on is I see how others have it harder than i do and yet they still move through life like it's nothing, so why can't I. The most important people in my life would be my friends and family because they are always there for me no matter what.
In 10 years I see myself graduated from high school and college and just starting to become a child phychologist. I would like to be living in either California or Goergia. In 20 years I see myself married and staring a family of my own. Still in either California or Goergia. I would still be a child phycologist.
I love my life and I'm glad I'm finally starting to get over my troubled past, even if it is slowly. I'm excited about where my future is headed. If it weren't for my teachers Amy and Jen I would be a drop out right now and I would not have a chance at the future I dream of having.
Monday, January 31, 2011
Friday, January 28, 2011
Crashing over Alaska!
If I were in a plane and it crashed over Alaska and could only bring one book to help me I would bring The Survivor Manual. I would prolly still end up dead though because I would start to freak out. It would be the worst day of my life, I would be terrified, and very sad.
Here is the cover of the book!

Tell me what you think!
Here is the cover of the book!

Here is a website that kinda explains it some what. me what you think!
Hopelessly Devoted
<iframe title="YouTube video player" class="youtube-player" type="text/html" width="480" height="390" src="" frameborder="0" allowFullScreen></iframe>
I love this song! It's from one of my all time favorite movies(Grease.)
I love this song! It's from one of my all time favorite movies(Grease.)
My Friday!
Today is Friday and I haven't had the best day. I didn't go to school because my tummy hurt because i'm out of my med's. :( Yet here I am at my bestie's. She tends to worry about me and I worry about her because we are both diagnosed with depression so we stick together.
Wednesday, January 26, 2011
My name is Kimberli. I am 16. I have two sisters and three step-brothers. I love very much. We may fight alot, but when it comes down to it no matter what we stand by eachother!
My older sister is 18. Her name is Samantha. She is amazing. She just recently got married and I love her hubby and his family. He is recently over seas :( I miss him every day and I can't even begin to think how Sami must feel.
My little sister is 13. Her name is Tiffani. She is pretty amazing chick! We tend to fight ALOT! She is just starting to figure out who she is and were life is taking her.
My mother is the best mommy in the world! Her name is mommy no matter who you are. She is a single parent. She does an amazing job raising all three of us girls.
I don't really talk to my step-brothers.
I was born in Georgia and moved to Iowa when I was only 7. I have always lived in this little town in Iowa sence. This is all i no and all the people I no.
Tuesday, January 25, 2011
This thing is completly new to me and I already love it! I could get lost in this blogging stuff for days and not now a hour has gone by.
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